I was off today by way of exception and spent most of my day at home if not count a gym visit. Rest of the day was well spent on the sofa with a book and Netflix. I finished Orange is the New black and I need to say the season turned out to be quite good though I suspected it initially. I’m quite lazy when it comes to the series, but I find it’s only a good thing. Earlier this week we kept a movie evening with my other half and watched Evil Dead refilmed version of it which I hadn’t seen before. The basic horror movie which didn’t manage to evoke big emotions in me. A lot of blood and some quite disgusting scenes… perhaps I have seen too many similar projects.

Today’s outfit was an old Edgar top and I also scooped out the over knee boots which belongs to the autumn. They work well in a daily use.

And speaking of the autumn it starts officially tomorrow. A year has gone really quickly. It feels that the previous autumn just was.