Sorry for my absence, I have just had so much other things to do that there has had great difficulties to find time for blogging. But here I’m and still very much alive.
In a nutshell I have spent quite much time in the gym after work now when the heat wave is over and there is again possibilities to do some work-out. The gym where I’m training is pretty good, but the ventilation is really poor and during the heat wave the temperature increased so high that it was impossible to do anything. So I kept a break, but now I’ve returned back to regular training. I’ve also been doing some pole dancing and it feels awesome after a long time. I even consider to attend a class when I was offered exercise vouchers from the work. It sounds like I’m a sportaholic these days. But it’s true; I have changed as a person more and less. Sport helps me to keep my mind in balance and of course it helps to keep extra kilos off.
I’ve also been doing promo shootings and I would love to photograph so much more, but the time limits my dear hobby too much. But I’ll try to find the time for it. I’ve also been sewing and me and my beloved took a mini golf tour one day in this week. In addition to this all I borrowed a pile of books one day and I’ve spent time by reading them like a real bookworm. I also started watching Orange is the New Black and after the slow start it has run nicely. Enough many reasons for my absence? ;D

These picture were taken a week ago when I decided to keep a home weekend which was very much needed. I went nowhere except the gym. I’ve been going all the time so much that sometimes it’s a relief to stay just at home.

I borrowed this book about Peter Steel although I read it a couple of years ago. It’s just good and Peter was a mystic character.

It’s a last weekend of August and there would be such a many events and I’m not sure if I go anywhere. Burlesque show would tempt a little bit to go, but it will be seen if my couch wins or not.