Samhain, all hallow’s eve, Hallowe’en… our day is nigh, fiends!
Oh the joy to see so many jack o’ lanterns littering the neighborhood– even some that have already been smashed! A time honored tradition for the trickster spirits about, heheh.
My entire year felt like its lead up to October, much like it does every year, and with the big day on Tuesday, I already feel the withdrawals for the spooky season since shop shelves do become rather sparse in their decoration pickins’ so close to the day of.
There isn’t much left for me to buy anymore– I did my spending though, but so little of it was on actual decorations for my home. This year my Halloween haul has been predominately fabric and though fabric does excite and entice me immensely, I feel the FOMO bug biting at my brain in terms of Halloween decorations…
While visiting the Dollar Tree in the next town for unrelated reasons, I stumbled onto what was left of their Halloween section.
It was a rather depressing sight, but I did manage to scrounge a few items that I then took to my half-processed creative laboratory for a bit of spooky crafty fun.

Foam feathered crow – check.
Fully functioning (these things rarely are) foam glitter light-up pumpkin – check.
Scraps of felt, lace and a doily from Michael’s dollar section – check, check.
I cut out a cute lil’ witch hat, and then glued it on it’s head.

Now it’s a cute lil’ witchy crow.
If you decide to follow along with this little craft, you can at this point add anything else to the hat, but since I can’t find anything but my scraps just yet… it’ll go a little bare… for now.
Next, I mounted the witchy crow using the little wire pegs on its feet, onto pumpkin in a stately manner. Tied on this little scrap of ribbon around its neck like a scarf, plop the whole thing on top of the doily (because black doilies make everything better)… and voilà! A decoration fit for leaving out all year long.

A stately little crow upon a bust of Lantern Jack.
Quoth the little crow, ‘Tis near Halloween!’
Spook ya later, fiends!