The staple of every traditional goth: black lips.Even in my teenage years far removed from the heyday of the traditional goth scene, I remember a time when black lipstick was impossible to find outside of Hallowe’en. Plus the formulas were still gross, and patchy or way too glossy and cheap. And the lip liner to go with it? Forget about it. Black eye pencil it was. For everything.The makeup world, and consequently the drugstore makeup world, has changed. It’s become so much more accessible for the average Jane & Joe.If makeup is your thing and where you choose to spend your hobby money, the options are limitless.If you’re like me and you spend your hobby money elsewhere, but you’d still rather do it right if you’re going to do it at all… well, drugstores have up’d their game enough to give us a (limited in comparison) range, but much much more than it once was. Sometimes offering “dupes” for the high end goodies.Black is still tough to find within this budgetary spectrum, but not impossible anymore. In the past 5 months I have been trying 3 types from 3 brands, with the most expensive being $5.99

NYX Liquid Suede $5.99L.A. Girl Matte Flat Velvet Lipstick $2.99E.L.F. Moisturizing Lipstick (satin finish) $3.00

Things I don’t like:It being a regular lipstick, it has its inevitable problems– your hair gets stuck on your lips and when the wind drags it along your face it creates streaks of color on your cheeks and even forehead. Sometimes the color gets transferred onto your teeth. This formula bleeds very badly, and e.l.f. does not offer a matching lip pencil**. It needs a little bit of a base coloring with a pencil because the tiniest amount of color cracking occurs.This color was a little hard to track down, it is not carried in any of the Walmart’s I visited, and have only seen it at Super Target’s.

It has a flat round shape of the lipstick itself; if you’re applying right from the tube, this makes application very counter intuitive. This was my least favorite of the three; it reminded me a little too much of the cheapo stuff from the past. I won’t be buying their black again, but their nudes look very promising as well as their liquids.—————————-** e.l.f. does make a lip lock pencil, which is a clear lip liner for all unusual colors.I use it along with L.A. Colors Auto eye pencil for all my black lippy needs. None of the pictures or swatches used either product, just so I could ensure an unbiased view of each of their performances.

Old habits are hard to kill especially when it comes to black lips, and this L.A. Colors pencil is bad as an eyeliner because of its very waxy consistency, but it’s precisely that which makes it a great lip pencil. A double plus is L.A. Colors is cruelty free and bought at Dollar Tree.There you have it, my fiends. I hope this post ensures more black lips in your lives, as hell knows we need it.