There are innumerable amounts of blog posts, videos, articles– ALL kinds of information on the best beginners household sewing machine, if I thought I had something different to contribute to that I might consider writing a post about that.However, I thought I would talk about my experience in something I know very little about (lol): Industrial Sewing Machines.Because there isn’t enough conversation about them from folks who own them, and people who sell them are often unwilling to indulge newbies or most of the time assume you already know what you’re getting yourself into.These past 2 years has afforded me a crash course in the owning and purchasing of a few industrial sewing machines, so this post is going to be a combination of what (little) I do know about them and reviews of the machines I purchased myself.Sit down in your favorite sewing chair! We’re putting the pedal to the metal!When I lived in San Antonio, I made a really great friend who I keep in close contact with and has become one of the most important people in my life– I don’t say this lightly. This friend helped me get in contact with someone who gave me first hand experience in a professional designer/fashion environment as a volunteer intern for Fashion Consulting, Pattern and Samples Services.But most importantly, this friend gave me my first industrial sewing machine.I owe them a debt I probably can’t repay.Entrer Vintage Consew 220.

Anyway.I was under the mistaken impression that I could sew my lightweight materials (they sewed quite nicely) as well as some very heavy duty canvas/vinyls/etc on the Consew 220 (they didn’t) because I was/am able to on my household.

The fabricator is a walking foot industrial sewing machine.A walking foot is exactly what it sounds like: instead of squeezing material along a normal presser foot, the specialized foot/feet “walk along” the material (video example). This movement is key when feeding thick or lofty materials to sew as it eliminates the pulling and tugging that causes irregular or skipped stitches when dealing with such thicknesses.The Fabricator is a recent addition to Sailrite’s currently tiny repertoire of table topped machines. Sailrite wasn’t a brand I was intimately acquainted with– I first heard about them back when I lived in New Mexico when I was searching compact heavy duty machines for the shiggles, to which Sailrite boasted some of the best rated on the web; I remembered seeing the Fabricator in passing on their website, ooggled the fact that it was glorious to behold, but the price tag was far beyond my reach then.It took quite a lot of agonizing to pull the trigger on it, as I tried to weigh it against what I was exposed to: Juki and Consew, brands I recognized and trusted (at least for the most part; I own a fantastic Juki serger)… But NO ONE was talking about their industrials in my circles, and the Fabricator was taunting me with its sleek black exterior that also no one was making much of a peep about…

The Juki DDL-8700 is a single needle lockstitch machine.A lockstitch is just a fancy and concise way of referencing the common/standard way a stitch is created on many sewing machines.You may have seen this gif in one version or another:

That’s a lockstitch. The Consew and the Fabricator also utilize a lockstick mechanism, and probably yours too!Pretty riveting stuff… No really! It is when you really think about it. That movement is happening super fast on these machines. You really just sit in awe at the precision and calibration of sewing machines; mechanical wonders to entice the imagination.The Juki came with all the trimmings: servo motor (✔), reverse stitch (✔), easy to use stitch length dial (✔), robust table with permanent ruler design (✔), table mounted power switch (✔), and a perfectly functioning bobbin winder (✔). It came with a decent dust cover as a bonus, but since I’ve been using the machine practically everyday since I received it, I don’t use it.I did try to sew some of the heavy duty material that sews like butter on the Fabricator, on this machine to see if there was a difference between the servo motors but the machine belt kept slipping on the wheel to drive the needle down into the thickness I was feeding it.Since it isn’t a walking foot either, the layers kept slipping around making the whole experience like reliving the frustration of the Consew.So, that was a wash. I still can’t tell a difference in power, and the SPM’s on the Juki’s motor is significantly faster with a top speed of 5500 (just like the clutch motor) but it’s a dial instead of a digital display, nothing wrong with it technically… but also not easy to see whether or not its been changed when one of your fur babes decides to poke around… lol.I think I have the least amount of complaints with the Juki overall, less than any of my machines in general, and I actually didn’t purchase this Juki through a dealer. I decided to take a gamble and purchase the machine through Ebay, because it was hundreds of dollars cheaper due to the free shipping. It came out to just about $700 exact — that’s just a pinch more than many digital household sewing machines!My only complaints with the Juki are that there isn’t any help in terms of assembly instructions such as the building of the table that comes with it. The manual it does come with is basically a pamphlet filled with brief rudimentary instructions that cover only the essential but initial key points and a tiny handful of troubleshooting… all in a slightly convoluted format (several languages to explain one thing on a page). I ended up using the Fabricator’s manual to supplement what I found around the web.It too came with very cheap screwdrivers that broke almost immediately and sadly it wasn’t packed up the best– the legs suffered a little warping during shipment.However, the table came pre drilled and that to me made up for whatever I had issue with.So now that I’ve covered all the reviews and impressions, let’s discuss something they all have in common: Maintenance.It comes as little surprise that an industrial’s maintenance schedule is farther out than a common household machine. That’s due in part to the fact that the mechanisms and gears that drive the entire machine are constantly submerged in a pan of machine oil preventing friction, that causes heat, that inevitably causes wear and tear.The oil used in these pans is no different than the oil used in any other sewing machine kit. There’s just more of it that’s readily available for the machine to siphon instead of relying on a fallible human to remember to oil it.

I haven’t felt a need to take my machines in for a tune up yet.Mostly, it’s been just a matter of babysitting the oil levels and making sure that the reservoir is clear of lint and other debris. You don’t need to replace the oil unless it looks dark colored like brown or gold or has too much debris to remove on your own.Removing the lint from the machine is easy too. Just take a brush to the areas I marked with an arrow in the photo below: where the bobbin case is and the space/pan below it that catches most of the fallout from the feed dogs.

The needles also don’t need to be changed out as often because they’re more robustly manufactured and meant for long term high speed usage. Aside from the ones I broke (mea culpa, nothing to do with the machine), I haven’t had to replace the last ones I inserted– that was months and many, many hours of usage ago.Last but not least: Cost.Weighing the cost to usage seems to be the pervading concern with industrial sewing machines; is it even worth it to invest if all you’re doing is sewing for home?For me, I measure the value of time a little heavier so time saved = great savings, and honestly the single needle lock stitch is only marginally more spendy than any mid range digital household machine. I also factor in maintenance costs; I took in my households at least once to twice a year to get a tune up/re-timing (roughly $75 to $100 every time on digitally calibrated machines depending where I took them), but I also spent hours and hours doing some of that myself along with weekly time scheduled to clean and oil the households.An industrial was a great investment for me, but then even before I started Strange Coven I was spending huge amounts of hours at my sewing machine to make it worth it.I think that about covers my entire experience/knowledge on industrial sewing machines.I know, it’s a lot to take in and perhaps I should’ve broken up this post into several parts…Nevertheless, I hope I helped to scratch the surface and maybe help a fellow sewist consider making the investment… because once you go industrial, it’s tough to go back to anything else.